Saturday, December 13, 2014

Recommendations for "Can a Chief Justice Love God?: The Life of John Jay" by Phil Webster (2002 Author House)
In light of current debates on the issue of "separation of church and state," has anyone bothered to check where the first Supreme Court Chief Justice would have stood?...
"I must congratulate you on both the motivation which inspired you to undertake the writing of these two important works, and for the yeoman-like performance of research into the history of the life and times of John Jay. Your book is a most revealing and rewarding study of a career which, as you say, has been swept under the rug. "You make a significant contribution to a much-needed understanding on the part of the American public of the Christian worldview which was so characteristic of the signers of our Declaration. With all of the disgraceful attempts being made currently to 'revise' early American history, I find your work refreshing and an encouragement to know of such effort and scholarship as yours being applied to set the record straight. "Thank you for sharing these works with me. I would like to see the actual stage performance of 'Declaration of Reliance Upon God' at some future date. "Thank you again for your thoughtfulness in getting the book and the play to me, and best wishes for their presentation to the wide audiences they deserve."
Sincerely in Christ: Dr. D. James Kennedy March 5, 2003
"Phil Webster gives us a good look at John Jay, the man of God. The reader gains insight into the depth of John Jay's character, as shaped by his Christian faith. In this day where the character of our nation's leadership seems a matter of diminishing consequence, Mr. Webster reminds us how important Christian character was in the shaping of our nation. "It is refreshing to see through John Jay's life that men and women of strong Christian character can serve their country with honor and distinction. John Jay's life of service, as highlighted in Phil Webster's book, should challenge us all."
Frank Gomez, American Bible Society
"Phil Webster's book on the life of John Jay provides a significant and welcome contribution to the noble cause of re-claiming the true Christian legacy of yet another founding father. Readers will be challenged to discover the true greatness of the first Chief Justice of the United States and to understand why it is impossible to separate a person's religious/moral belief from his public life. It is my prayer that the message contained in this book will receive a wide and receptive audience."
Mike Mc Hugh, Christian Liberty Press
"Phil Webster does a wonderful job of highlighting the life of one of the great Founding Fathers. Chief Justice John Jay was a man of character, principle and religious conviction. With the trend in America to forget our history, this book is a refreshing reminder of our great heritage and Christian foundations."
Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel

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