Saturday, July 18, 2015

John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe and Madelyn Murray O'Hare

As seen in the post of February 16, 2015, JFK had a Christian worldview. What does JFK have to do with the Founding Fathers? In our nation's history, prayer was recommended in our schools by our leaders from 1776 to 1789 to 1963. Under the Constitution, prayer had been recommended for 174 years. Ask someone who can remember when they had prayer in school and you can get some interesting responses.

174 years of prayer in public schools
174 years of prayer in public schools
174 years of prayer in public schools

now wiped off the nation's memory.

The generations that have grown up since 1963 has no remembrance in their mind about school being a place where God was welcomed. There has been a continual effort to exclude God from every part of school life. The curriculum must not mention God or Jesus or saints. Holidays (holy days) like Christmas and Easter are winter and spring vacations.

As a youth, I looked up to President Kennedy,especially his heroism on PT 109 in the Pacific. It seems that President Kennedy forgot the lesson of Alexander Hamilton who committed adultery and took the criticism and repented. During this period of the decision coming before the Supreme Court, a huge temptation was put in front of President Kennedy in the form of Marilyn Monroe.

March 24, 1962 Palm Springs FL JFK with Monroe
April 3, 1962 Engel v. Vitale argued before Supreme Court
May 19, 1962 Monroe sings “Happy Birthday Mr. President” at Madison Square Garden
June 25, 1962 Engel v. Vitale decided by Supreme Court; ruled it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and encourage its recitation in public schools.
August 4, 1962 Marilyn Monroe’s death
Nov. 22, 1963 JFK assassinated

When the time came for JFK to give a response, he was compromised. He knew that if he made a stand against the Supreme Court decision, he could be blackmailed for his indiscretion. When he gave his response to the Supreme Court decision, keep in mind that he was compromised and dare not oppose the decision for fear of the backlash.

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