Saturday, June 27, 2009

John Jay's Christmas Address 1776


On December 23, 1776, John Jay wrote this following address to the Representatives of New York. For brevity I will refer to it as “John Jay’s Christmas Address 1776.” Continental Congress not only adopted it, they had it translated into German. In this address, the future Chief Justice referred to God at least 33 times. Take note that Jay was not reprimanded for mentioning God. He was chosen as the first Chief Justice by George Washington and approved by the body of Continental Congress

At this most important period, when the freedom and
happiness, or the slavery and misery, of the present and
future generations of Americans, is to be determined on a
solemn appeal to the Supreme Ruler of all events, to whom
every individual must one day answer for the part he now
acts, it becomes the duty of the Representatives of a free
people to call their attention to this most serious subject,
and the more so at a time when their enemies are industriously
endeavoring to delude, intimidate, and seduce them
by false suggestions, artful misrepresentations, and insidious
promises of protection.
[1 The misfortunes and defeats experienced by the American troops in the
campaign of 1776 produced so much despondency that the Continental
Congress and some of the State bodies issued spirited and encouraging
addresses to the people, which, with the victories at Trenton and Princeton,
wonderfully revived faith and confidence. Among the addresses was the above
from the New York Convention, Jay being the author of it. The Continental
Congress so far adopted it as its own as to recommend its “serious perusal” by
all the people of America, and ordered it to be translated into the German

You and all men were created free, and authorized to created
establish civil government, for the preservation of your
rights against oppression, and the security of that freedom freedom which
which God hath given you, against the rapacious hand of
tyranny and lawless power. It is, therefore, not only necessary
to the well-being of Society, but the duty of every
man, to oppose and repel all those, by whatever name or
title distinguished, who prostitute the powers of Government
to destroy the happiness and freedom of the people
over whom they may be appointed to rule.
Under the auspices and direction of Divine Providence,
your forefathers removed to the wilds and wilderness of
America. By their industry they made it a fruitful, and by
their virtue a happy country. And we should still have
enjoyed the blessings of peace and plenty, if we had not
forgotten the source from which these blessings flowed; the source from which these
and permitted our country to be contaminated by the many blessings flowed
shameful vices which have prevailed among us.
It is a well known truth, that no virtuous people were
ever oppressed; and it is also true, that a scourge was never
wanting to those of an opposite character. Even the Jews,
those favorites of Heaven, met with the frowns, whenever the Jews, those favorites
they forgot the smiles of their benevolent Creator. By of Heaven
tyrants of Egypt, of Babylon, of Syria, and of Rome, they benevolent Creator
were severely chastised; and those tyrants themselves,
when they had executed the vengeance of Almighty God,
their own crimes bursting on their own heads, received the
rewards justly due to their violation of the sacred rights of

You were born equally free with the Jews, and have as
good a right to be exempted from the arbitrary domination
of Britain, as they had from the invasions of Egypt,
Babylon, Syria, or Rome. But they, for their wickedness,
were permitted to be scourged by the latter; and we, for our
wickedness, are scourged by tyrants as cruel and implacable
as those. Our case, however, is peculiarly distinguished
from theirs. Their enemies were strangers, unenlightened,
and bound to them by no ties of gratitude or
consanguinity. Our enemies, on the contrary, call themselves
Christians. They are of a nation and people bound to
us by the strongest ties—a people, by whose side we have
fought and bled; whose power we have contributed to raise;
who owe much of their wealth to our industry, and whose
grandeur has been augmented by our exertions.
It is unnecessary to remind you that during the space of
between one and two hundred years, every man sat under
his own vine and his own fig-tree, and there was none to
make us afraid—that the people of Britain never claimed a
right to dispose of us, and everything belonging to us,
according to their will and pleasure, until the reign of the
present King of that Island—and that to enforce this abominable
claim they have invaded our country by sea and land.
From this extravagant and iniquitous claim, and from the
unreasonable as well as cruel manner in which they would
gain our submission, it seems as though Providence were
determined to use them as instruments to punish the guilt of
this country, and bring us back to a sense of duty to our

You may remember that to obtain redress of the many
grievances to which the King and Parliament of Great
Britain had subjected you, the most dutiful petitions were
presented, not only by the several Assemblies, but by the
Representatives of all America in General Congress. And
you cannot have forgot with what contempt they were
neglected; nay, the humblest of all petitions, praying only
to be heard, was answered by the sound of the trumpet and
the clashing of arms. This, however, is not the only occasion
on which the hearts of kings have been hardened; and
in all probability it will add to the number of those instances
in which their oppression, injustice and hardness of
heart have worked their destruction.
Being bound by the strongest obligations to defend the the inheritance which
inheritance which God hath given us, to Him we referred
our Cause, and opposed the assaults of our taskmasters,
being determined rather to die free than live slaves and
entail bondage on our children. Divine Providence, those cruel invaders were driven from our
country in the last Campaign. We then flattered ourselves
that the signal success of our arms, and the unanimity and
spirit of our people, would have induced our foes to desist
from the prosecution of their wicked designs, and disposed
their hearts to peace. But peace we had not yet deserved.
Exultation took place of thanksgiving, and we ascribed that
to our own prowess which was only to be attributed to the
great Guardian of the innocent. The enemy with greater
strength again invade us
—invade us not less by their arts than their arms. They tell
you that if you submit you shall have protection; that their
king breathes nothing but peace; that he will revise (not
repeal) all his cruel acts and instructions, and will receive
you into favor. But what are the terms on which you are
promised peace? Have you heard of any except absolute,
unconditional obedience and servile submission? If his
professions are honest—if he means not to cajole and
deceive you, why are you not explicitly informed of the
terms, and whether parliament means to tax you hereafter at
their will and pleasure? Upon this and the like points, these
military commissioners of peace are silent; and, indeed, are
not authorized to say a word, unless a power to grant
pardon implies a power to adjust claims and secure privileges;
or unless the bare possession of life is the only
privilege which Americans are to enjoy. For a power to
grant pardon is the only one which their parliament or
prince have thought proper to give them. And yet they
speak of peace, but hold daggers in their hands, They invite
you to accept of blessings, and stain your habitations with
blood. Their voice resembles the voice of Jacob, but their voice resembles the
hands are like the hands of Esau. Voice of Jacob, but
If their Sovereign intends to repeal any of the acts we the hands are like the hands
complain of, why are they not especially named? If he of Esau
designs you shall be free, why does he not promise that the
claim of his parliament, to bind you in all cases whatsoever,
shall be given up and relinquished? If a reasonable peace
was intended, why
did he not empower his Commissioners to treat with the
Congress, or with Deputies from all the Assemblies; or why
was not some other mode devised, in which America might
be heard? Is it not highly ridiculous for them to pretend that
they are authorized to treat of a peace between Britain and
America with every man they meet? Was such a treaty ever
heard of before? Is such an instance to be met with in the
history of mankind? No! The truth is, peace is not meant;
and their specious pretentions and proclamations are calculated
only to disunite and deceive.
If the British king really desires peace, why did he
order all your vessels to be seized, and confiscated? Why
did he most cruelly command, that the men found on board
such vessels should be added to the crews of his ships of
war, and compelled to fight against their own countrymen—
to spill the blood of their neighbors and friends; nay,
of their fathers, their brothers and their children; and all this
before these pretended ambassadors of peace had arrived
on our shores! Does any history, sacred or profane, record
any thing more horrid, more impious, more execrably
wicked, tyrannical or devilish? If there be one single idea
of peace in his mind, why does he order your cities to be
burned, your country to be desolated, your brethren to
starve, and languish, and die in prison? If any thing were
intended besides destruction, devastation, and bloodshed,
why are the mercenaries of Germany transported near four
thousand miles to plunder your houses; ravish your wives
and daughters; strip your infant children; expose whole
families naked, miserable, and forlorn, to want, to hunger,
to inclement skies, and wretched deaths? If peace were not
totally reprobated by him, why are those pusillanimous,
deluded, servile wretches among you, who, for present ease
or impious bribes, would sell their liberty, their children,
and their souls; who, like savages, worship every devil that
promises not to hurt them; or obey any mandates, however
cruel, for which they are paid? how is it, that these sordid,
degenerate creatures, who bow the knee to this king, and bow the knee to this king
daily offer incense at his shrine; should be denied the peace
so repeatedly promised them? Why are they indiscriminately
abused, robbed, and plundered, with their more
deserving neighbors? But in this world, as in the other, it is in this world as in the other
right and just that the wicked should be punished by their the wicked will be punished
In a word, if peace was the desire of your enemies, and
humanity their object, why do they thus trample under foot
every right and every duty, human and divine? Why, like
the demons of old, is their wrath to be expiated only by demons of old
human sacrifices? Why do they excite the savages of the
wilderness to murder our inhabitants and exercise cruelties
unheard of among civilized nations? No regard for religion no regard for religion
or virtue remains among them. Your very churches bear or virtue
witness of their impiety; your churches are used without your churches are used
hesitation as jails, as stables, and as houses of sport and for impiety
theatrical exhibitions. What faith, what trust, what confidence,
can you repose in these men, who are deaf to the call
of humanity, dead dead to every sentiment of religion
to every sentiment of religion, and void of all regard for the
temples of the Lord of Hosts? Void of regard for the
And why all this desolation, bloodshed, and unparalleled temples of the Lord of Hosts
cruelty? They tell you to reduce your obedience.
Obedience to what? To their will and pleasure! And then
what? Why, then you shall be pardoned, because you
consent to be slaves. And why should you be slaves now,
having been freemen ever since this country was settled?
Because, forsooth, the king and parliament of an island
three thousand miles off, choose that you should be hewers
of wood and drawers of water for them. And is this the
people whose proud domination you are taught to solicit? Is
this the peace which some of you so ardently desire? For
shame ! for shame !
But you are told that their armies are numerous, their
fleet strong, their soldiers valiant, their resources great; that
you will be conquered; that victory ever attends their
standard; and therefore that your opposition is vain, your
resistance fruitless. What then? You can but be slaves at
last, if you should think life worth holding on so base a
tenure. But who is it that gives victory? By whom is a By whom is a nation exalted?
nation exalted? Since what period hath the race been
always to the swift and the battle to the strong? Can you be
persuaded that the merciful King of kings hath surrendered
His crown and sceptre to the merciless tyrant of Britain and
committed the affairs of this lower world to his guidance,
control and direction? We learned otherwise from our
fathers; and God himself hath told us that strength and
numbers avail
not against Him. Seek then to be at peace with Him, seekHis alliance, and fear not the boasted strength and power of His alliance
your foes.
You may be told that your forts have been taken, your
country ravaged, and that your armies have retreated, and
therefore that God is not with you. It is true that some forts
have been taken, that our country hath been ravaged, and
that our Maker is displeased with us. But it is also true that
the King of Heaven is not like the King of Britain, implacable.
If His assistance be sincerely implored, it will surely
be obtained. If we turn from our sins, He will turn from His He will turn from His anger
anger. Then will our arms be crowned with success, and the
pride and power of our enemies, like the arrogance and
pride of Nebuchadnezzar, will vanish away. Let us do our Nebuchadnezzar
duty and victory will be our reward. Let a general reformation
of manners take place; let no more widows and orphans,
compelled to fly from their peaceful abodes, complain
that you make a market of their distress, and take
cruel advantage of their necessities; when your country is
invaded and cries aloud for your aid, fly not to some secure
corner of a neighboring State and remain idle spectators of
her distress, but share in her fate and manfully support her
cause; let universal charity, public spirit and private virtue
be inculcated, encouraged and practised; unite in preparing
for a vigorous defence of your country, as if all depended
on your own exertions; and when you have done these good
things, then rely upon the good Providence of Almighty Almighty God
 for success, in full
confidence, that without His blessing all our efforts will His blessing
evidently fail.
A people moving on these solid principles never have
been, and never will be, subjected by any tyrant whatever.
Cease, then, to desire the flesh-pots of Egypt, and remember of Egypt
about rejecting all dependence on a king who will rule you
only with a rod of iron. Tell those who blame you for
declaring yourselves independent that you have done no
more than what your late king had done for you; that he
declared you to be out of his protection; that he absolved
you from all allegiance; that he made war upon you, and
instead of your king he became your enemy and destroyer.
By his consent, by his own act, you became independent of
his crown. If you are wise you will always continue so.
Freedom is now in your power. Value the heavenly gift.
Remember, if you dare to neglect or despise it, you offer an
insult to the Divine Bestower. Nor despair of keeping it.
Despair and despondency mark a little mind and indicate a
grovelling spirit. After the armies of Rome had been repeatedly
defeated by Hannibal, that Imperial City was besieged
by this brave and experienced general at the head of a
numerous and victorious army. But so far were her glorious
citizens from being dismayed by the loss of so many battles
and of all their country, so confident in their own virtues
and the protection of Heaven, that the very land on which protection of Heaven
the Carthaginians were encamped was sold at public auction
for more than the usual price. Those
heroic citizens disdained to receive his protection or to
regard his proclamations. They remembered that their
ancestors had left them free—ancestors who had bled in
rescuing their country from the tyranny of kings. They
invoked the protection of the Supreme Being. They bravely the Supreme Being
defended their city with undaunted resolution; they repelled
the enemy and recovered their country. Blush, then, ye
degenerate spirits; who give all over for lost, because your
enemies have marched over three or four counties in this
and a neighboring State—ye who basely fly to have the
yoke of slavery fixed upon your necks and to swear that
you and your children after you shall be slaves forever!
Such men deserve to be slaves, and are fit only for beasts of
burden to the rest of mankind. Happy would it be for
America if they were removed away, instead of continuing
in this Country to people it with a race of animals who,
from their form, must be classed among human species, but
possess none of those qualities which render man more
respectable than the brutes.
There never yet was a war in which victory and success
did not sometimes change sides. In the present, nothing has
happened either singular or decisive. Inquire dispassionately,
and be not deceived by those artful tales which
emissaries so industriously circulate.
A powerful and well-disciplined army, supported by a
respectable fleet, invade this country. They are opposed by
an army which, though numerous and brave, is quite undisciplined.
Notwithstanding this
manifest disparity, they have never thought it prudent to
give us battle, though they have often had the fairest opportunities.
True it is, that taking advantage of that critical
moment when our forces are almost disbanded, they have
penetrated into Jersey, and marched a considerable distance
without being attacked. If any are alarmed at this circumstance,
let them consider that we do not fight for a few
acres of land, but for freedom—for the freedom and happiness
of millions yet unborn.
Would it not be highly imprudent to risk such important
events upon the issue of a general battle, when it is certain
Great Britain cannot long continue the war, and by protracting
it we cannot fail of success? The British Ministry,
sensible of this truth, and convinced that the people of
England are aware of it, have promised that the present
campaign shall be the last. They are greatly and justly
alarmed at their situation. A country drained of men and
money, the difficulties of supplying fleets and armies at so
great a distance, the danger of domestic insurrections, the
probability that France will take advantage of their defenseless
condition, the ruin of their commerce by our privateers—
these are circumstances at which the boldest are
dismayed. They are convinced that the people will not
remain long content in such a dangerous situation: hence it
is that they press so hard to make this campaign decisive;
and hence it is that we should endeavor to avoid it. Even
suppose that Philadelphia, which many believed to be of
such great importance, suppose it was taken or
abandoned, the conquest of America will still be at a great
distance. Millions, determined to be free, still remain to be
subdued—millions who disdain to part with their liberties,
their consciences, and the happiness of their posterity in
future ages, for infamous protections and dishonorable
pardons. But amidst all the terror and dismay
which have taken hold of some weak minds, let us consider
the advantage under which we prosecute the present war.
Our country supplies us with every commodity which is
necessary for life and defence. Arms and ammunition are
now abundantly manufactured in almost all the American
States, and our armies will be abundantly supplied with all
military stores. We have more fighting men in America
than Britain can possibly send. Our trade is free, and every
port of France and Spain affords protection to our ships.
Other nations, invited by the advantages of the commerce,
will doubtless soon follow their example; and experience
must convince the most incredulous that the British Navy
cannot exclude us from the sea. If their armies have invaded,
ravaged and plundered our dominions and our
people, have we not successfully attacked them on their
boasted empire of the ocean? Have not our privateers
brought into our ports of America British property to the
amount of more than fifteen hundred thousand pounds?
And do we not daily receive the most valuable cargoes
from foreign countries in spite of those fleets whose colors
have waved in triumph over the globe? The article of salt,
about which some of you have been
uneasy, will soon be fully supplied. The shores of America
are washed by the ocean for more than two thousand miles.
Works for manufacturing salt have been erected and proved
successful, and many cargoes of it are expected, and have
arrived, in the neighboring States. Provisions of every kind
abound among us. From our plenteous stores Great Britain
hath heretofore supplied her necessities, though she now
most wantonly and ungratefully abuses the kind hand
which hath ministered to her wants and alleviated her
distress. As to clothing, the rapid increase of our manufacturers,
and the supplies we obtain from abroad, quiet all
fears upon that subject. By the most authentic intelligence
from Europe, we are informed that the people of France are
ripe for a war with Britain, and will not omit the present
opportunity of extending their commerce, and humbling
their rival. Every State in Europe beheld with a jealous eye
the growing power of the British empire, and the additional
strength she daily received from this amazing continent; for
they could not but perceive that their own security was
diminished in proportion as her power to injure them
increased. Whence is it, then, that some persons pretend to
assure you that France, Spain, and the other European
States, are not disposed to favor you? The wise and virtuous
of all nations have pronounced our cause to be just, and
approved the manner in which our resistance hath been
Whoever, therefore, considers the natural strength and
advantage of this country, the distance it is
removed from Britain, the obvious policy of many European
Powers, the great supplies of arms and amunition
cheerfully afforded us by the French and Spaniards, and the
feeble and destitute condition of Britain—that she is
drained of men and of money, obliged to hire foreign
mercenaries for the execution of her wicked purposes; in
arrears to her troops for a twelve month’s pay, which she
cannot or will not discharge: her credit sunk; her trade
ruined; her inhabitants divided; her King unpopular, and
her Ministers execrated; that she is overwhelmed with a
monstrous debt; cut off from the vast revenue heretofore
obtained by taxes on American produce; her West India
Islands in a starving condition; her ships taken; her merchants
involved in bankruptcy; her design against us
wicked, unjust, cruel, contrary to the laws of God and man,
pursued with implacable, unrelenting vengeance, and in a
manner barbarous and opposed to the usage of civilized
nations ;—whoever considers that we have humbly sought
peace and been refused; that we have been denied even a
hearing; all our petitions rejected; all our remonstrances
disregarded; that we fight not for conquest but only for
security; that our cause is the cause of God, of human
nature and posterity: whoever we say seriously considers
these things, must entertain very improper ideas of the
Divine justice to which we have appealed, and be very little
acquainted with the course of human affairs, to harbor the
smallest doubt of our being successful.
Remember the long and glorious struggle of the
United Netherlands against the power of Spain, to which
they had once been subjected. Their extent was small, their
country poor, their people far from numerous, and unaccustomed
to arms, and in the neighborhood of their enemies.
Spain, at that time the most powerful kingdom in Europe,
her fleet formidable, her armies great, inured to war, and
led by the best generals of the age, and her Treasury overflowing
with the wealth of Mexico and Peru—endeavored
to enslave them. They dutifully remonstrated against the
design. Their petitions were treated with contempt, and fire
and sword was carried into their country to compel submission.
They nobly resolved to be free. They declared themselves
to be independent States, and after an obstinate
struggle, frustrated the wicked intentions of Spain.
Switzerland presents us with another instance of magnanimity.
That country was oppressed by cruel tyrants, but
the people refused to continue in bondage. With arms in
their hands they expelled those tyrants, and left to their
descendants the portion of freedom.
Even England, whose Genius now blushes for the
degeneracy of her sons, hath afforded examples of opposition
to tyranny which are worthy to be imitated by all
nations. His sacred Majesty Charles the First, lost his head
and his crown by attempting to enslave his subjects; and his
sacred Majesty James the Second, was for the same reason
expelled the kingdom, with his whole family, and the
Prince of Orange chosen king in his stead. The English
were too wise to believe that the person of any tyrant could
sacred, and never suffered any man to wear the crown who
attempted to exercise the powers of royalty to the destruction
of the people from whom those powers were derived.
This practice is not only consistent with human reason,
but perfectly consonant to the will and practice of God perfectly consonant to
himself. You know that the Jews were under his peculiar
direction, and you need not be informed of the many himself
instances in which he took the crown from such of their the Jews were under his
kings as refused to govern according to the laws of the peculiar direction
If then, God hath given us freedom, are we responsible God hath given us freedom
to him for that, as well as other talents? If it be our birthright, are we responsible to him?
let us not sell it for a mess of pottage, nor suffer it to let us not sell it for a mess of pottage
be torn from us by the hand of violence! If the means of
defence are in our power and we do not make use of them,
what excuse shall we make to our children and our Creator?
These are questions of the deepest concern to us all. These
are questions which materially affect our happiness, not not only in this world but in
only in this world but in the world to come. And surely, “if the world to come
ever a test for the trial of spirits can be necessary, it is now.
If ever those of liberty and faction ought to be distinguished
from each other, it is now. If ever it is incumbent on the
people to know truth and to follow it, it is now.” Rouse,
therefore, brave Citizens! Do your duty like men! and be
persuaded that Divine Providence will not permit this
Western World to be involved in the horrors of slavery.
Consider that, from the earliest ages of the world, Religion,
Liberty and
Empire, have been bounding their course toward the setting
sun. The Holy Gospels are yet to be preached to those
western regions, and we have the highest reason to believe
that the Almighty hand in hand! It cannot, it will not be. The Gospel
But if there be any among us, dead to all sense of
honor, and love of their country; if deaf to all the calls of liberty, virtue and religion
liberty, virtue, and religion; if forgetful of the magnanimity
of their ancestors, and the happiness of their children; if
neither the examples nor the success of other nations, the
dictates of reason and of nature, or the great duties they the great duties they owe to
owe to their God, themselves, and their posterity, have any
effect upon them; if neither the injuries they have received,
the prize they are contending for, the future blessings or
curses of their children, the applause or the reproach of all
mankind, the approbation or displeasure of the Great Judge,
or the happiness or misery consequent upon their conduct,
in this and a future state, can move them ;—then let them
be assured, that they deserve to be slaves, and are entitled
to nothing but anguish and tribulation. Let them banish
from their remembrance the reputation, the freedom, and
the happiness they have inherited from their forefathers.
Let them forget every duty, human and divine; remember
not that they have children: and beware how they call to the justice of the Supreme
mind the justice of the Supreme Being: let them go into
captivity, like the idolatrous and disobedient Jews, and be a
reproach and a by-word among the nations.
But we think better things of you. We believe,
and are persuaded, that you will do your duty like men, and
cheerfully refer your cause to the great and righteous Judge. Refer your cause to the
If success crown your efforts, all the blessings of Freedom great and righteous Judge
will be your reward. If you fail in the contest, you will be happy with God and Liberty
 in Heaven.
By the unanimous order of the Convention:
AB’M TEN BROECK, President
FISHKILL, December 23rd 1776.

1 Supreme Ruler
2 freedom which God hath given you
3 Divine Providence
4 the source from which these blessings flowed
the Jews, those favorites of Heaven
5 benevolent Creator
6 Almighty God
7 Providence
8 Creator
9 the inheritance which God hath given us
10 Divine Providence
voice resembles the Voice of Jacob, but the hands are like the hands of Esau
11 bow the knee to this king
in this world as in the other the wicked will be punished
demons of old
no regard for religion or virtue
your churches are used for impiety
dead to every sentiment of religion
12Void of regard for the temples of the Lord of Hosts
By whom is a nation exalted?
13 King of Kings
14 God himself
Him Him
His alliance
15 God
16 Our Maker
17 The King of Heaven
He will turn from His anger
18Good Providence of Almighty God
His blessing
Cease to desire the flesh pots of Egypt
Value the heavenly gift
19 The Divine Bestower
Protection of Heaven
20The Supreme Being
21 Contrary to the laws of God and man
22 Our cause is the cause of God
23 Divine Justice
24 Perfectly consonant to the will and practice of God Himself
The Jews were under his peculiar protection
25 God hath given us freedom
are we responsible to him?
let us not sell it for a mess of pottage
26 Our Creator
not only in this world but in the world to come
27 Divine Providence
Holy Gospel
28 the Almighty
The Gospel
liberty, virtue and religion
29 the great duties they owe to their God
30 the Great Judge
31 the justice of the Supreme Being
32 refer your cause to the great and righteous Judge
33 happy with God and Liberty in Heaven

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